YMG Secsafe Ltd. ensures that the designated person ashore (DPA), the Master and the crew are given the necessary support to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in accordance with SOLAS, ISM Code and other regulations.
The Designated Person Ashore (DPA) is the key link in the safety chain for ship operations. This person has direct access to top management and has the responsibility and authority for monitoring safety and pollution prevention of each ship in the company’s fleet.
Emergency Support
YMG Secsafe Ltd. has developed an integrated system of shipboard emergency plans to ensure that company shore-based and shipboard contingency planning and response are consistent and appropriately linked.
In order to keep the plans held by ship and shore identical, and to reduce possible confusion in an emergency as to who is responsible for which action, our plans make clear whether the action should be taken by shipboard personnel or shore side personnel.
Successful management of an emergency or marine crisis situation depends on the ability of the shipboard personnel, the company, and external emergency coordinating authorities to muster sufficient resources in the right positions quickly.
Safety supporting services: